
Splake = male brook trout + female lake trout, Spolt = Sparks + Holt

03 January, 2012

Ringing in the New Year on The Rimutaka Incline

After a week of rain, we caught a break in the weather, so we decided to take on the 20 mile crossing from Maymorn to Featherston via the old Rimutaka Rail Trail.
 After an up and down tramp along an old forestry route, we finally met up with Pakuratahi River, and then followed the old rail line up to the Summit Tunnel.
 After that, we descended the Rimutaka Incline down to Cross Creek, where we camped for the night. After a bit of rain during the evening, we were treated to a beautiful sunrise on our way down to the Wairarapa.
 We also saw this weta (a big NZ cricket) napping on a foxglove. At 5cm long, this was just a wee one, but still a fun spot.
Happy New Year and welcome 2012.

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