
Splake = male brook trout + female lake trout, Spolt = Sparks + Holt

03 August, 2015

A busy July 2015

The month of July started with both of us still in St. Paul, and improbably ended with us together in St. Croix, VI.

July 12 was Richard's last day at Regions, then it was off to Florida with essentially all of our belongings. Many thanks to Adam Bell for the assist!
Here's a blurry photo of our "old" stuff in our new digs. Our first impression of Palm Beach Polo is a good one. It's lush and birdy, with white ibis, cattle egrets, storks and other large waders in abundance. We have geckos and tree frogs, and fruiting mango tree just outside the front door.

Although we had planned on spending the next year in Alaska, there was a last minute change of plans that makes it likely we will return to New Zealand early next year.

It is hard to think of a place in the U.S. less Alaska-like than St. Croix, but that's exactly where Richard ended up for a short term locums stint.
Here he is making morning rounds. . .

. . . And evening rounds.

Kristen came along for the first few days, and aside from being the world's best navigatee ladee, she took these very cool pictures from the Buccaneer, where we spent the first 3 nights.

OK, just to prove Richard is doing some work . . .
Here is his hospital ID. The job consists mostly of ER consultation, which is interesting, and the hospital staff are welcoming, friendly and helpful.

For her part, Kristen is winging it back to Minnesota for her next 7-on at Regions.

Up next? Well, it is looking like we are spending Fall and early Winter together in Montana. Stay tuned!