
Splake = male brook trout + female lake trout, Spolt = Sparks + Holt

25 September, 2013

Greeting Autumn at Gunflint

After a year of endless summer we are more than ready to settle into the glorious autumn and winter in Minnesota. What better place than Gunflint? 

The requisite fall mushroom porn:

We ate all of these and lived to tell the tale.
L to R: King Bolete, Sulfur Shelf, Puffballs and Chaga

There is a resident moose at Golden Eagle Lodge and we followed in his footsteps (hoofsteps?) the next day on a 6 hour trek around Flour Lake

A view of Flour Lake

Relaxing on our dock after the hike. 

View from the same dock the next morning at dawn with loons calling to one another across the lake.

A trip to Gunflint wouldn't be complete without a stop in charming Grand Marais, where we caught this schooner leaving the harbor.

Pure Gunflint magic....